About Us

Muhammad Aslam

Shahid Mehmood
WICON Valves in Pakistan is united in a set of core values that enhances our product offering and embody who we are, both as an individual and as a company. We owe much of our success to the capability, experience and enthusiasm of our employees who possess high technical abilities to achieve high quality product processed under top quality management system. We have always achieved success in winning the satisfaction of our customers by providing them high quality product on very reasonable prices. Above all, we have the intention to contribute towards economy of Pakistan as well.
Valves in Pakistan as per Standards
WICON valves are manufactured in an incorporated valve manufacturing unit where each phase such as casting, machining, assembling and testing has been processed as per international laid down standards and procedures.
Main products: Gate, Globe, Check, Strainer , Butterfly and Ball Valves.
Applications: Regulation and control of Oil and Gas, Hot and cold Water , Fluids, Air , Steam, Raw and Sea Water.
Warranty: We ensure desired quality of valves and offer warranty for free replacement of our products for a period of 36 months to our clients
At WICON Valves, the concept of “Quality That Lasts” is more than a corporate slogan, it’s a daily business imperative that drives our design, production, testing and service.

To introduce most developed and innovative valve designs by focusing especially on quality, ease of operation, simple in-line maintenance and above all to enhance the operational durability.
We plan on expanding and performing our business in a sustainable manner that is profitable for us and our clients at the same time.